Guest Writer

Guest Writer
Are you interested in being a guest writer for Co Springs Mom Collective? If you're local and you're a mom (or have awesome relevant information for local moms), we'd love to hear your ideas! Email us at info (at) cospringsmom (dot) com.
Grandparent Safe Sleep Practices for Babies

Talking to Grandparents About Safe Sleep Practices for Your Baby

At the Colorado Department of Human Services’ Office of Early Childhood, we recommend that you talk about safe sleep practices with everyone who provides care for your baby, including your child care provider, the...

Motherhood: Do What You Can, When You Can

A young mama’s day often feels like a frenzied game of Simon Says: Get everyone dressed! Feed the little people! Clean the floor! Untangle the rope! Change a diaper! Offer a snack! Read a book! Pack for swimming lessons! Pull chicken out of the freezer to thaw! Sweep the floor! Go on a walk! Potty break! At the end of the day (if we aren’t too exhausted to surrender to sleep immediately) our minds replay regrets, wondering how we could have done better, been more effective, spoken kinder. Tasks still on the to-do list taunt us. I can stop the nightly low-light reel in my head by reminding myself that I did what I could, when I could, with what I had in the moment.

A Fond Farewell to Colorado Springs

My family had only spent three days in Colorado Springs before our family of six moved here from across the country. I honestly didn’t know what to expect. Colorado was BEAUTIFUL. I knew that. But...

Dion’s Recrafted Salads: Friday Night Dinner Just got an Upgrade

Dion’s is our family’s Friday night dinner. Let’s just say it’s my husband’s “go to” meal when it’s his turn to cook. I use the word “cook” lightly. My Husband considers calling or ordering...

Adult Children: Healthy Communication for a New Season

If you are aware that it is a busy time of day for the family, which includes dinner time, movie night or evening story time, offer respect for their time and contact them later. And if you happen to call and you hear World War III erupting in the background, please excuse yourself and ask that they return your call at a better (quieter) time!

How To Not Lose Yourself In Motherhood

When I was ten years old, I was caught in an undertow at Virginia Beach. The wave tumbled and tossed me, dragged me along the gritty ocean floor and then swirled me up again...
letter to mom

Dear Mom, From Your Adult Daughter

Forgive me, but please know that I am trying my best. I'm finishing college and caring for my family and working to create a stable, happy life for them. With the support of a loving husband, I am finding more and more about me that I love. I am raising your grandsons to be thoughtful and caring and mindful young men. 

#Me, Too: Healing is a Journey

I see you. You who share your wounds publicly. I see your vulnerability whether it’s with the hashtag or sharing part of your story. The courage I see in you inspires me. I admire...

Wear Pink for Breast Cancer: Help Raise Awareness of ALL Cancers!

Ahh, October! This means fall colors, football, Halloween, and the feeling that everything has been coated with Pepto Bismol. That’s right, it’s breast cancer awareness month!  The month where pink is everywhere, from food packaging...

Surviving Emotional Trauma: Keep Moving Forward

If you have had an emotional heart attack. If your life is a mess. Or if you are walking around broken wondering each day how you made it through, I am so, so sorry for your pain and your struggle. I send to you love, hugs and empathy.